Package: JWileymisc 1.4.2

JWileymisc: Miscellaneous Utilities and Functions

Miscellaneous tools and functions, including: generate descriptive statistics tables, format output, visualize relations among variables or check distributions, and generic functions for residual and model diagnostics.

Authors:Joshua F. Wiley [aut, cre]

JWileymisc.pdf |JWileymisc.html
JWileymisc/json (API)

# Install 'JWileymisc' in R:
install.packages('JWileymisc', repos = c('', ''))

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7.42 score 6 stars 4 packages 241 scripts 973 downloads 1 mentions 59 exports 147 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:24dcb674b7. Checks:3 OK, 3 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 23 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 23 2025




Rendered fromdiagnostics-vignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 23 2025.

Last update: 2025-01-24
Started: 2019-11-02

Exploratory and Descriptive Statistics and Plots

Rendered fromexploratory-vignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 23 2025.

Last update: 2025-01-24
Started: 2019-11-02

Model Performance and Tests

Rendered frommodel-test-vignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 23 2025.

Last update: 2025-01-24
Started: 2019-11-11

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Function to round and format a number.fround
Internal Function to Calculate Quantiles.quantilePercentiles
Multilevel Daily Data Exampleaces_daily
A generic function for pretty printing in (semi) APA StyleAPAStyler
APAStyler method for listsAPAStyler.list
APAStyler method for linear modelsAPAStyler.lm
A generic function for pretty printing in (semi) APA StyleAPAStyler.mira
APAStyler method for model tests from a linear modelAPAStyler.modelTest.lm
APAStyler method for model tests from a vglm multinomial modelAPAStyler.modelTest.vglm
A generic function for pretty printing in (semi) APA StyleAPAStyler.SEMSummary
Coerces vectors to
Change directorycd
Compares the effects of various independent variables on dependent variablescompareIVs
Save and read RDS functions for using multithreaded "ZSTD" or "LZ4" compressioncompressed RDS readRDSfst saveRDSfst
Convert a correlation matrix and standard deviations to a covariance matrixcor2cov
Return a non-missing correlation matrixcorOK
Heatmap of a Correlation Matrixcorplot
Calculate Phi or Cramer's V effect sizecramerV
Calculate the Circular DifferencediffCircular
Function makes nice tablesegltable
Calculates an empirical p-value based on the dataempirical_pvalue
Function to find significant regions from an interactionfindSigRegions
Function to format the reuslts of a hypothesis test as textformatHtest
Function to format the median and IQR of a variableformatMedIQR
Function to simplify formatting p-values for easy viewing / publicationformatPval
Tufte Rangegeom_tufterange TufteRange
Creates a plot for likert scalegglikert
Create a character vector or file hash of a dataset and each variablehashDataset
Function to find significant regions from an interactionintSigRegGraph
Is a variable missing, non finite or zero length character?is.naz
Create a lagged variablelagk
Modified lm() to use a specified design matrixlm2
Calculate a Circular MeanmeanCircular
Compare Two Modelsas.modelCompare is.modelCompare modelCompare modelCompare.lm
Model Diagnostics Functionsas.modelDiagnostics is.modelDiagnostics modelDiagnostics modelDiagnostics.lm
Return Indices of Model Performanceas.modelPerformance is.modelPerformance modelPerformance modelPerformance.lm
Detailed Tests on Modelsas.modelTest is.modelTest modelTest modelTest.lm modelTest.vglm
Estimate the first and second momentsmoments
Missing and Zero Character Omitnaz.omit
Calculates summaries for a parameterparam_summary
Format a data frame of summary statisticsparam_summary_format
Plot Diagnostics for an lm modelplot.modelDiagnostics.lm
Plot Residual Diagnostics Default Methodplot.residualDiagnostics
Plots SEMSummary objectplot.SEMSummary
Plots SEMSummary.list objectplot.SEMSummary.list
Plot method for testDistribution objectsplot.testDistribution
Calculate R2 ValuesR2 R2.lm
Residual Diagnostics Functionsas.residualDiagnostics is.residualDiagnostics residualDiagnostics residualDiagnostics.lm
Calculate a rounded five number summaryroundedfivenum
Summary Statistics for a SEM AnalysisSEMSummary
Summary Statistics for a SEM
Calculate Standardized Mean Difference (SMD)smd
Function to simplify converting p-values to asterisksstar
Test the distribution of a variable against a specific distributionas.testDistribution is.testDistribution testDistribution testDistribution.default
Tufte Inspired Themetheme_tufte
Shift a time variable to have a new center (zero point)timeshift
Tukey HSD PlotTukeyHSDgg
Visual Acuity ConverterVAConverter
An S4 class to hold visual acuity dataprint,VAObject-method show,VAObject-method summary,VAObject-method VAObject-class [,VAObject,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,VAObject-method
An S4 class to hold visual acuity summary dataplot,VASummaryObject,missing-method show,VASummaryObject-method VASummaryObject-class
Winsorize at specified percentileswinsorizor